This page has been created in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We have had at least one parent ask for resources to help with the spiritual training of her children while church and Kid Min are canceled. The following list contains several links and descriptions of what can be found in them. I pray that the parents of the youth of our congregation can put these to good use!
Palm Sunday coloring activity for children…and adults who like to color 🙂
A place in the parsonage. Pastor Michael Kampman from St. Paul, NFdL invites us into his home as he video records his own family devotions. If you are looking for a family devotion to follow along with, give this a try!
Be Still and Know. When worries and fear arise, we rely on God’s powerful, comforting Word. Use the free resources here from Concordia Publishing House for worship, prayer, and meditation on God’s Word.
Coloring Pages. Pretty self-descriptive, no? All pages are Bible-focused.
Beard133–Advocating Active Christian Fatherhood. Written by WELS Pastor Tom Barthel in 2017, this site offers four weeks’ worth of Family Bible Studies.
Sunday School with Pastor. WELS Pastor Mike Seifert is currently developing these 10 – 12 minute videos teaching the Passion of Christ (currently 3/20).